OOO Yuridicheskaya Firma Shelest i Partnery is a Kaliningrad based law firm providing legal advice on a diverse array of issues with a focus on major business transactions and civil litigation.
The Firm is headed by Renat Shelest who is a dedicated lawyer with a strong background in civil cases of any complexity. With over 13 years of substantial experience in the legal market, our tailored approach to every case, deep expertise in handling cases both for domestic and many European companies we will easily navigate and guide you through the most complex legal problems. The wide spectrum of in-depth specialist knowledge and skills offered by our lawyers serves as an efficient tool to obtain a favorable outcome for your case. Our satisfied clients stand as proof of the supreme quality legal services we provide!
Our reputation is vital to us therefore our fundamental values we strive to reflect in everything we do are professional competence, tradition of excellence, the highest ethical standards, and commitment to work.
Our method is to bring a healthy dose of creativity to the most challenging and specific case.
Our goal is to achieve our clients’ desired resolution!
Office Visit. Aims and Goals
You will be asked to present a detailed outline of what your problem is and/or define your goal, and provide us with all available case-related documents. Following preliminary review of your case we may be able to offer you several options of how we can help your case become a successful one, agree on the list of services and our compensation.
Legal Analysis
Your case will be assigned to the firm lawyer who practices in the respective area of law. We will undertake a close legal analysis of your case, summarize practice cases, establish our legal position, file paperwork pertaining to your case, and discuss our strategy, procedure and deadlines for our project.
Project Implementation
We will provide you with a full package of agreed legal services: negotiate with counterparties, represent your case in courts and public authorities, and ensure that your interests are protected and goals are reached.
Признание прав собственности ENGLISH
Выступая в интENGLISHересах нескольких граждан (дольщиков), в судебном порядке нам удаENGLISHлось добиться признания прав собственности на доли в праве общей собственности на объекты незавеENGLISHршенного строительства - многоквартирные жилые дома, ...
Заключена и исполнена сделка по продаже крупного производственного предприятия ENGLISH
С участиENGLISHем ООО «Юрист – Ренат Шелест» заключена и исполнена сдеENGLISHлка по продаже крупного производственного предприятия в Гвардейском районENGLISHе Калининградской области. ЗаключениюENGLISH сделки предшествовал предварительный договор, п...
ООО «Юрист – Ренат Шелест» осуществляет юридическое сопровождение сделки купли-продажи производственного объекта, в интересах покупателя. Объект находится в общей доENGLISHлевой собственности нескольких юридических лиц, обременен ипотекой в пользу к...
Специалистами нашей КомENGLISHпании подготовлено и подано в суд общей юрисдикции исковое заявление в интересах физического лица об установлении частного поENGLISHстоянного сервитута - права ограниченного пользования частью земельного участка, для об...