8 (4012) 37-65-25 open from 9-00

Who we are

OOO Yur­idicheskaya Firma Shelest i Part­nery is a Ka­lin­in­grad based law firm provid­ing leg­al ad­vice on a di­verse ar­ray of is­sues with a fo­cus on ma­jor busi­ness trans­ac­tions and civil lit­ig­a­tion.

The Firm is headed by Ren­at Shelest who is a ded­ic­ated law­yer with a strong back­ground in civil cases of any com­plex­ity. With over 13 years of sub­stan­tial ex­per­i­ence in the leg­al mar­ket, our tailored ap­proach to every case, deep ex­pert­ise in hand­ling cases both for do­mest­ic and many European com­pan­ies we will eas­ily nav­ig­ate and guide you through the most com­plex leg­al prob­lems. The wide spec­trum of in-depth spe­cial­ist know­ledge and skills offered by our law­yers serves as an ef­fi­cient tool to ob­tain a fa­vor­able out­come for your case. Our sat­is­fied cli­ents stand as proof of the su­preme qual­ity leg­al ser­vices we provide!


How we work


Office Visit. Aims and Goals

You will be asked to present a de­tailed out­line of what your prob­lem is and/or define your goal, and provide us with all avail­able case-re­lated doc­u­ments. Fol­low­ing pre­lim­in­ary re­view of your case we may be able to of­fer you sev­er­al op­tions of how we can help your case be­come a suc­cess­ful one, agree on the list of ser­vices and our com­pens­a­tion.


Legal Analysis

Your case will be as­signed to the firm law­yer who prac­tices in the re­spect­ive area of law. We will un­der­take a close leg­al ana­lys­is of your case, sum­mar­ize prac­tice cases, es­tab­lish our leg­al po­s­i­tion, file pa­per­work per­tain­ing to your case, and dis­cuss our strategy, pro­ced­ure and dead­lines for our pro­ject.


Project Implementation

We will provide you with a full pack­age of agreed leg­al ser­vices: ne­go­ti­ate with coun­ter­parties, rep­res­ent your case in courts and pub­lic au­thor­it­ies, and en­sure that your in­terests are pro­tec­ted and goals are reached.

History, Philosophy

The founder of the Firm is Ren­at Shelest, a law­yer since 1996. In 2002, as part of his ef­fort to ex­pand his in­di­vidu­al leg­al prac­tice Ren­at Shelest es­tab­lished and headed OOO Yur­idicheskaya Firma Shelest i Part­nery, which is now one of the largest and top-rated law firms in the Ka­lin­in­grad re­gion of­fer­ing ex­cep­tion­al leg­al coun­sel­ing and rep­res­ent­a­tion in courts.

For over thir­teen years of per­sist­ent work we have gained vast ex­per­i­ence and repu­ta­tion of a suc­cess­ful law firm sup­ply­ing a broad range of world-class leg­al ser­vices to busi­nesses and in­di­vidu­als in­clud­ing full cus­tom­er ser­vice.

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We are working with:

Our staff

Renat Shelest
Lawyer, Director

Career history:

1996 -2002:
  • Kaliningrad Administration;
  • Commercial bank;
  • A group of pro­duc­tion and farm­ing com­pan­ies;
  • Individual legal practice;

2002 - present:
  • OOO Yur­idicheskaya Firma Shelest i Part­nery, Own­er and Man­aging Dir­ect­or


  • 1995 – 2000 - Im­manuel Kant Balt­ic Fed­er­al Uni­versity, In­sti­tute of Law, Dip­loma in Law with Dis­tinc­tion;
  • 2000 – 2003 - Im­manuel Kant Balt­ic Fed­er­al Uni­versity, In­sti­tute of Law, Post­gradu­ate Stud­ies.

Career history:

  • Apparatus of the 6th Magistrate’s court of the Moscow district of Kaliningrad;
  • Kaliningrad department (Moscow district) of the Federal Bailiffs Service;
  • 2016 – present – OOO Yuridicheskaya Firma Shelest i Partnery, lawyer.


  • 2013 – 2017 – Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Law, bachelor’s degree with Distinction.
  • 2017-2019 - Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Law, course «Legal support of business», master’s degree with Distinction.
Tatyana Shelest

Career history:

  • 2001 – 2004 - Ad­min­is­trat­ive of­fice, Gov­ernor of the Ka­lin­in­grad Re­gion, Lead Spe­cial­ist;
  • 2004 – 2012 - Steve­doring com­pany ООО Baltiyskaya Stividor­naya Kom­pan­iya, law­yer;
  • 2012 - present - OOO Yur­idicheskaya Firma Shelest i Part­nery, law­yer.


  • 1996 – 2001 - Im­manuel Kant Balt­ic Fed­er­al Uni­versity, Fac­ulty of Lan­guages and World Lit­er­at­ure, Ger­man De­part­ment, Dip­loma in Lin­guist­ics;
  • 2001 – 2004 - Im­manuel Kant Balt­ic Fed­er­al Uni­versity, In­sti­tute of Law, Dip­loma in Law.